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Our Church

Our Church

At Douglas Mennonite Church, we are committed to being a faith community where everyone is valued and supported on their faith journey.


As a church community, we strive to embody the core values of love, compassion, and service that are central to the Mennonite tradition. Our worship services are designed to be meaningful and engaging, blending traditional elements with contemporary insights to nourish your spirit and deepen your connection with God.


Our worship gatherings are held Sunday morning at 10:00 AM. Children and youth spend the first part of the worship service with the congregation before being dismissed prior to the sermon to participate in their own children’s church or youth Sunday School.


Whether you are exploring Christianity for the first time or have been a follower of Jesus for many years, there is a place for you here. We are an inter-generational congregation, united by our shared desire to grow in faith and make a positive impact in our world.


We invite you to join us for worship, fellowship, and opportunities to serve together. Explore our website to learn more about our ministries, events, and ways to get involved. If you have any questions or would like to connect with any of our pastoral staff, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Our Mission

​Mission Statement

​Douglas Mennonite Church exists to make disciples of Jesus who love God and other people.​​

Vision Statement

Douglas Mennonite Church will show the transforming power of Jesus, by:

  • The Christ-like love and care we show for each other
  • The participation of people of all ages and backgrounds in the life of the church

  • Our welcome and care for our neighbours in this community and beyond​

Value Statements

​1. Loving Community

  • We offer a supportive and nurturing environment. Love for each other is demonstrated through acceptance, compassion, caring, generosity and prayer.
  • We welcome the opportunity to meet together to worship, serve, learn and celebrate.

  • We are a family-friendly church, demonstrating a strong commitment to the children and youth with recognition that they will play a large role in fulfilling God’s purpose for Douglas Mennonite Church, now and in the future.

  • We value connections with the broader Mennonite church family and acknowledge that we can accomplish more together than apart.

Acts 2: 42-47 / Philippians 2: 1-4

​2. Passing on the Faith to the Next Generation

  • We believe that children are a gift from God, we rejoice and give thanks for this gift
  • We believe it is our responsibility, with God’s help, to guide them so that they may later make their own choice to accept Christ as their own Savior and dedicate themselves to God’s service.

Psalm 127:3 / Psalm 145:4

​3. Bible-Centred Teaching

  • The word of God, with a special emphasis on the teaching of Jesus, is at the core of all efforts to grow our spiritual maturity.
  • The Bible is taught using creative and practical applications relevant to the world and time in which we live.

  • We encourage a team approach to ministry; this leads to greater participation by lay ministers, provides a supportive and productive environment, and reflects Godly leadership.

  • We remain true to our Anabaptist roots, which include a strong belief in believer baptism, peace, justice and non-resistance.

2 Timothy 3: 16-17 / Psalm 1: 1-3​

​4. Joyful Worship

  • We bring pleasure to God by gathering and participating in worship through energizing praise and music.
  • We accept and encourage the participation of all – regardless of background, age, gender or gifts.

Mark 12: 28-30 / Psalm 100: 1-5

​5. Willing Service

  • We acknowledge our blessings with a strong responsibility to give back. We willingly serve our Lord by sharing our time, money, and spiritual gifts, both within Douglas Mennonite Church and with others.
  • We apply a sense of fun and humour to our tasks, along with a sense of discipline, purpose and hard work.

1 Corinthians 12:4-13 / Ephesians 4:11-13

Our Mission
Our Confession of Faith

Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective


“The Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective – Summary Statement should be read in conjunction with the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective which was adopted at the delegate sessions of the General Conference Mennonite Church and the Mennonite Church, meeting at Wichita, Kansas, July 25-30, 1995.  For reference, please see the Mennonite Church Canada website for the detailed official 1995 Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective.”

Mennonite Dove

Douglas Mennonite Church
1517 Rothesay Street
Winnipeg Manitoba
R2G 3G5

Phone 204-668-7432

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